this is the minute of the latest progress meeting 2007-12-14/16
discussed points are listed in order of discussion and a to do list will be put in the end.
>theBOOK - the question of how to order different topics within the book where discussed. how to provide order and orientation for the reader. ideas: numbering [1,2,3,4], size [s,m,l,xl], color, icon, a-z, ...
there need to be probably two sections of each topic. a text bit that is connected to examples. the problem of how to actually write the text among the three of us remained undecided. we discussed these options: all of us write bits to each topic, each one writes on his own topics and the others give feedback, we discuss the topics individualy and one of use writes edited text in the end.
the linking among the text bits could be established trough the examples. examples can refer to different texts, the overlay of different texts on to the same example establishes the link.
>theTITEL - options where discussed, no decision taken. agreed was that there is a titel and a subtitel. options for the titel are: >links, >cross links, >urban cross links, >playing links, >urban conversation. the subtitel options: >bogota, london, plymouth, >overlapping topics, >multi discipline research, >in theory and as examples, >urban research comparison, >talking urban subjects, >linking urban tools, >urban relations and their product.
the favorites are:
playing links - bogota, london, plymouth
urban conversation - bogota, london, plymouth
the intension is to bring a narrative into the project in order to enable the reader to experience the text in kind of a flow. this is not yet achieved, but the direction is towards conversation, exchange, comparison of different people [jlf] and different cities [blp]. during the discussion it became clear, that this combination work must be the focus rather than a troughly scientific dissertation on all the subjects.
>theTOPICS - the list of the topics was taken from the visions and all the blog posts. the intention was to talk trough all the topics and find relations. four major groups emerged from this process: process, system, forces, interaction. regarding the time and the recourses, the decision was taken, to focus on one and maybe on a second one if the progress is too good. it was agreed that the intention should be a deeper exploration in one field rather than a collection of outline. first choice is system and if there is time the plan is to look at the system in time which would be the topic porcess.
the relations of the topics are described in the following, listed in no particular order:
>adaptability - system and process - it is believed that this term is a description of what a system needs to be, adaptable, in order to deal with changing inputs and in general to stay alive. on the other hand it is related to process as the adaption takes place within time and describes a process as a kind of a measurable indicator.
>knowledge - force - it was discussed as a product of the system, that could be shared within or with other system as an exchange. it then mainly acts as a force to drive development.
>regeneration - process - this is just like the adaptability, kind of the process itself. a manifestation of the changing system in time, although it can concentrate on only parts of the system.
>chaos - system, force - it is an element of any system and the main force to drive adaptability. it enables structural changes keeps structures flexible.
>cycle - system, force, process - it is the description of the mobile elements of a system. as a generator it drives changes trough movement and at the same time describes changes in time.
>boundary - is an abstract description of the relations within the system. boundaries are constituted among the most important relations, but are highly dependent on the view point / measurement unit.
>culture - force, interaction - it is a driving force of the urban environment. on the other hand it emerges from the interaction of humans and describes their organization [more in terms of codes and general understanding, not system related]
>force - an energy that pushes towards a different stage. it is needed for any kind of activity.
>dynamics/change - process - contains the topics chaos, process but with a strong focus on the time aspect.
>interaction - especially focusing on humans in space, their actions and reactions and how they form and transform space.
>process - describes a system in time.
>emotions - interaction, force - a product of the interaction. it is also a driving force as it is an expression and full of energy as it is extroversive.
>feelings - interaction - a product of the interaction. it is introversive
>urban experience - interaction
>system - it describes a network of elements that are connected trough relations. the network is active and able to maintain itself and exchange informations with other system. the system approach it is a theoretical concept that emerged in the 60-ties. it was initially developed by bertanalfi a biologist, but quickly was translated to other scientific subjects as its potential was discovered. it is used in urban design but not currently not as a concept, more in the manner of a fact. am important theory around this topic is: a city is not a tree by christopher alexander {xxxx}
>memory - interaction, process - in terms of the relationship between humans and space the memory makes a huge bit of how we experience space and especially the urban surrounding. in terms of the time aspect memory provides a sense of continuity within a ever changing environment.
>scale and time - are general terms that apply to all topic. both can be interpreted as a technical unit or as concept.
>theTEXT - layout, keywords, structure, links, quotes,
the layout needs to be worked out in january. and will be revised in july when we have al the text bits.
as we are working on the Ggroup we will not need a special format wile working. what we do need is a specific structure in order to keep the final revising of the text elements as short as possible. this means mainly titling system, references, quotes and bibliography. we will also need keywords to indicate links between the topics.
titels - topic, C for comment or T for text, initial (jlf), date (yymmdd}, title of the text [example - adabtability_t_fan_071220_streetlevel
quotes are stated directly within the text, with name and year
references and keywords are listed in the end of the text and marked with numbers: 1.1keyword01, 1.2keyword02, ... and 2.1reference01, 2.2reference02, ...
the bibliography should be a document that we all share. probably a second edition of what we should read could be helpfull. maybe we even share the books and do not read all the same books. bibliography should be edited: author (date). title. place: publisher
>thePROGRAMM - the time frame is six month into the new year 2008. by the end of july the body of text has to be finished. during this time we put three public consultation [Pc]. this means we publish developed content on digital medias. the first one should take place in mid january and is an introduction to the project with an outline of the content. second one then is content work in march and the third one in may again with text content. we have to allow at least two weeks for people to respond and another two weeks for us to incorporate inputs. this results in a month of work that runs parallel to the normal content development following the Pc. of course it would be nice if exchange could continue after july, specially as a platform to comment on the final result. july and august are dedicated to layouting, proofreading and final mounting. the time to develop the text content is quite tight and the base has to be quite high, but if everyone writes two articles per month we should be able to bring together a good pile of work.
>theORGANIZATION - to publish the text in the end we should think about how to get a publisher to print it for us. the plan is to work on this just after we have the outline in mid january. a second round to approach publishers and potential founders should take place from june on. especially some founders should be found in the beginning. This should be possible, just like it has been done for the bartlett catalogue.
there is no decision on how much content we should work towards.
>theTOOLS - for now the decision was taken, that we are using google group [GoGr] as the development place for the text. google earth [GoEa] could be the tool to maintain example connection. the blog will be continued with material from the discussion. for public consultation we'll use the blog, facebook [Fb] and maybe we have to look for a myspace [mSp].
Ggroup it is seen as a better opportunity in terms of ease to follow ongoing parallel discussion. it should be used as follows: the discussion is for text development. each topic will get two headings, one for text and one for example. the problem with posting images in this section can be solved by posting text and comments via e-mail [we have to test this further]. the page section should be used only for common topics. this is something like bibliography and common definitions of terms and words [eg. quotes from dictionaries...] maybe text bits that are finalized [if so] and also for work/organization related topics.
GoEa could be introduced as a "new" tool. the intention would be to start a collection of marked places and maybe movement to be shared. with placemarks, path, overlays and so on we could share a vivid picture of the current city we are living in. [eg. example fan]
Fb, here we have to work on a way to use it to publish. would it be possible that L can do it? F: I am definitely not familiar enough to work it out
>toDO - jeff: draft of the outline for the book, cheque layout settings for the blog - fan: minutes of the meeting 071214-16, Ggroup setup, Gcalendar - L: testing option to publish content on facebook
by FAN 071220
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